End of Summer Party-Aug. 5

The End of Summer Party is scheduled for Friday, August 5 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Lincoln County Courthouse lawn. The Lincoln County Health Department and the Library are working together to hold Walk and Read. There will be reading, walking, snacks and a short program. At 10:30 a.m. everyone will walk to the Library to continue the program with more books, crafts and prizes.

Reasons To Love Books

There are so many reasons to love books. They make our lives richer and more interesting. Really, where would we be without them? Here are a few of our reasons:

  1. Read, read, read – You’ll be smarter for it.
  2. With books, you can laugh, cry and learn. It’s healing.
  3. Fill 20 minutes, an hour, a day, or easily a whole weekend.
  4. Pick up a book – broaden your outlook and gain sympathy with humanity.

How about sharing some of your reasons.

Books Sandwiched In Program Resumes in January

Here’s your chance to get out of your comfort zone and read a book because it was recommended by someone who read it.

Join us in the Community Room of the Library from Noon to 1 pm beginning Wednesday, January 6, for a different kind of book club. Everyone gets a chance to tell about the book they’ve read in the last month. Everyone reads what they like but gets to hear about books they might not have heard about otherwise. It’s a chance to discover an author or a genre we might not have been interested in, then get out of our comfort zone and read a book because it was recommended by someone who read it.

Books Sandwiched In will meet the First Wednesday of every month in the Community Room of the Library.

Bring a sack lunch and any friends you think may be interested. We want to hear about the books you have been reading!